Monday, April 18, 2011

It's safe to dance

I am bored.  Have you ever promised to make some things for people, and had the time...but didn't feel like doing it?  My brother's girlfriend 'commissioned' me to make her a hemp necklace, complete with handmade clay cupcake charm, back in January.  It was almost finished way back then...but I never felt like completing it until tonight.  The thing is, I use the term commission very lightly, because she didn't offer to pay for it, just asked if I'd make it for her.  Sure, fine, I don't mind...right??  Well, I didn't mind until she started harassing me about it.  I don't see her very often, but she would ask, like every time I saw her, had I finished it yet.  I just moved, OK?  I didn't even know where it was!  Whatever.  I just didn't like it that she was kind of pushing me to do it, when I'm kinda broke most of the time, and she's got a job, and rich parents, and isn't even paying for it.  It's like $8 or so worth of work, in my opinion, and to me(who grew up sort of poor, and learned to make money and supplies stretch and last), that's a good amount.  I don't like to waste my money.  So, anyway, that's a pet peeve of mine, and now we'll move on from the subject, 'kay?

I've been crafting again!!!  I hit a slump for a couple weeks, and didn't want to do anything.  Not sure what kicked me back into gear, but here I am...makin' cute and pretty things, like I do.  I'm SO excited.  People are showing interest in my pieces, like never before, and it's heavily encouraging me to get my Zibbet shop off the ground \o/  Most inspiring, lately, is my fabulous ferret.  He and I have been bonding quite nicely.  Daniel says Puck is using me as a bookmark, basically, since he doesn't get to spend time with him as much, anymore.  I don't think so...I think he luuurves me.  I ordered him a cool new harness, last week, recommended to me by a friend who's had a few ferrets(among many other pets), and knows her stuff.  We got it today, and it's AWESOME!  He can't get out of it, and the lead portion only puts pressure under his elbow, so it's not ever going to choke him.  And get's BLUE, Sofi's obsessively favorite color.  She was highly pleased(the listing didn't specify a color, I assumed it would be random).  As I expected, Puck didn't like it at first, and wallowed around on the floor for a few minutes.  Then I opened the door, and actually LET HIM GO OUT, and didn't pick him up...and he was all for this new thing.  We just walked around on the balcony/breezeway for a while, didn't go downstairs.  Tomorrow maybe we'll take him out in the grass.  Oh!  I was saying how inspirational he is.  I made a little felt version of him, and it's a hit. 

He played with it, thankfully didn't sneak off with it.  I have at least one person who wants to either buy or trade for one like it!  I am so excited.  I feel like I'm finally coming into my own.  All my life I've felt like I didn't quite belong, no matter where I was.  Since discovering my fabulous crafting friends, the League of Extraordinary Crafters, and making tight bonds with them...I've found that there's a lovely little niche right there, waiting for me to join in.  To my League sisters and brothers, who follow my blog---I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH!!  You make me feel human :D

Our slapdash scrunched little apartment is starting to look and feel like a home, and I'm very happy about that.  But our finances are not so hot, and we're both planning on applying around town, starting tomorrow.  I'm so completely terrified that the stigma of having been fired(over 3 years ago), will still keep me unemployed, which I know will stress Daniel out even more than he already is. 

I haven't been reading ANYTHING...well, not committing to any books, anyway.  I'll read a few pages of something and never pick it back up *facepalm*.  I hate that.  I always have a book.  It's probably because I don't have any of the books in the several series I read, at the moment.  Waiting on Clockwork Angel(Cassandra Clare, Infernal Devices series), from the library...And I'm about to start reading a new(to me) series, the Dresden Files.  I've been watching the TV show on Netflix, and I love it, I'm hoping it's like most book to tv/movie situations----the books will be better.  Plus there's a ton of them, it's a very popular series, so I'll have plenty to read this summer.  I'm very excited to read City of Fallen Angels(also Cassandra Clare, this one is in the Mortal Instruments series), as soon as I can get my paws on a copy.  AND next month Dead Reckoning, the next Sookie Stackhouse book comes out!!!!  I bought the previous one on Mother's Day, last year :D  I think there's a Patricia Briggs book coming out soon, the Alpha and Omega series....but I digress, since I'm starting to sound like my book obsessed friend Rebecca :D
Things I'm looking forward to in real life: Not doing yardwork this Summer, the pool opening up(it's practically right outside our door), losing weight, getting my shop started, getting a 'real' job, getting my driver's license(yep, I'm a bum).....having enough money coming in to breathe easier.  Oh, and getting pregnant, I hope! 
Love y'all, kisses and hugs <3


Kim (Freese) Taylor said...

Heather, I think Puck loves you and doesn't use you as a bookmark. My stepson was here the other day; he doesn't come over as often as he used to (he's 17 so go figure LOL) and we had a conversation about how the cats 'understand' what we say - I think they really do. Only us animal lovers really get it, huh? I LOVE your cute little ferret plushie and the fact you got a harness for him! I have a cat who wants to go on walks with us but I'm afraid he'll get hit; it's a busy road; I wish I could put a harness on him but I don't think he'd move! LOL I also understand what you mean about the 'being commissioned' to make something; I had something similar happen recently - only they offered to pay and told me to send it "c.o.d." which hasn't existed in forever, and I figured they would just send me $ when they got it and never did. He is out of work too, but we're not even living paycheck to paycheck - he has a steady income from a deceased 'partner' ... I just think it's inconsiderate; we wouldn't do anything like that, I guess that's why it is so disappointing, huh? Well, keep on and keep craftin! I appreciate our online friendship and hope we can meet someday! :)

SparrowFeather said...

Thank you, Kim! I completely believe our animals understand us. I thought for a while that Puck/ferrets in general live in their own little world of mischief, and don't really give a rip about their people. This was when I had only lived w/Puck for maybe a week-2 weeks. So, one day, I was upset about something, standing in the living room, crying. He came over and laid on my feet, in a way he'd never done before. He usually licks the water off my feet after I take a shower(which I'd just done), but instead he was sort of hugging my feet. I knew then that he cares about us, and it made me really glad we have him.
On the other subject, I think since we know how to treat people by the golden rule, we sort of expect others to do the same...and when they don't it's pretty darn abrupt!

Kim (Freese) Taylor said...

That's so sweet! I've never owned a ferret but I have had rats. I loved them both! (Gandolf and Ratty Pants) :)

Lol Deville said...

I nominated you for a versatile blogger award:)